miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2023

A Family Meal

Hi guys

Today i will write about a dinner with my family that i had there in 2014, we lived in my old house, which i liked very much, it was little but very welcoming. I remember that moment because i ate one of the richest meals i could have ever eaten in my life <3 😋😋

My mom had brought crab from her job, the crab was already cooked and we justhad to eat it and enjoy it, it was very rich i liked it a lot althought i am not a fan of seafood... The crab became one my favorite althougt it is a bit expensive :( so i haven´t been able to eat it for a long time. Much beyond food, dinner and speding time with my family was the most important, to have those dinners in the afternoon, enjoy and laugh... it is what i remember most and makes me happy, as we ate the crab, as we talked y and well remember a lot my grandfather talking about when he was a fisherman, small conversation that always he tell when we sit down to eat.

The truth is that i really enjoy the company of my family...And i really like the crab, yomi yomi.

(I don´t have permission from my family to use a photo of the, so i will use on of Shin-chan)

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