miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2023


 Hi guys

Today i will write about a country i would like to visit. Since i was a child i have liked European culture, It is very difficult for me to choose a country, because everyone has something i like, like its architecture, lanscape, food or culture itself. I think yes i would have to choose a country throught which to start travelin would be Italy. 

I think that in the not too distant future i would like to travel to Italy, to visit its cities, to get lost in Roma, Florence or Venice. Be able to travel by train, enjoy its cuisine such as noodles, lasagne or pizza yomi yomi :p. 

The ideal would be to travel with my cousin Barbara, or with someone very close to me as future boyfriend, to also enjoy their company. I would like to enjoy the country as long as possible, about two to three weeks i would say it would be the minimum to visit the tower of Pisa, The roman coliseum, The roman forum, The Sistine chapel, cascine park... Honestly there are many thing i do not want to miss :(. 

I believe that what i will most like about Italy is the art that is carried in the city, and not only in the city but in the country, the small towns, the people, their culture is what most calls my attention to go and get to know it.

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